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  • Writer's pictureHussain Chavezweb

How to Send Snail-Mail Using PostGrid

Snail-mail is mail sent via the postal service, as opposed to email, fax, or other electronic methods. The heyday of snail mail is long gone, with the lion’s share of personal correspondence and quite a bit of business communication now done digitally. However, physical mail still has its uses for both individuals and businesses.

For example, there is something very special about receiving a handwritten letter or card from a friend in the mail. It makes you feel like the sender is speaking directly to you, and that personal connection can be hard to replicate in an email.

As for business, physical mail is used for applications, contracts, and other legal documents that require signatures. Moreover, gym members still get their monthly statements through snail mail, and many colleges send physical acceptance letters to students. It’s also mandated to send certain legal documents, tax forms, and cover letters by snail mail.

In the world of marketing, direct mail is making a comeback. Snail-mail campaigns can help you create a more personalized approach to your prospects and clients, as well as compel them to take action. But the question is: How do you effectively and efficiently send snail mail?

In the past, sending snail mail was a laborious process. It required printing a lot of documents and envelopes, stuffing them, and affixing stamps. But with the help of automation, it is now possible to streamline snail-mailing activities online. Using PostGrid’s print and mail API can save you time, money, and hassle.



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